Emma Chapman has established herself as a respected Western riding instructor and horse trainer in the United Kingdom, with a particular talent for retraining ex-racehorses. Her success stories, supported by carefully planned nutrition programs including EquiNectar®, demonstrate the importance of comprehensive horse care in achieving optimal results.

Chapman's experience with EquiNectar® began with a challenging case - an ex-racer suffering from regular impaction colic. After implementing EquiNectar® in the horse's diet, Chapman reports the horse "started thriving and never looked back." This success led her to incorporate the supplement across her yard, with "nearly every horse on EquiNectar and the benefits speak for themselves."

Among her most notable success stories is the remarkable transformation of Alpha Delphini , a distinguished racehorse known for winning both the Beverley Bullet and the Europe’s premier 5 furlong sprint race, the Nunthorpe Stakes (Gr 1) at York in 2018. When this accomplished athlete arrived for retraining, he presented unique challenges. Despite his phenomenal intelligence, Alpha struggled with anxiety, finding it difficult to relax and focus. Initially, simple tasks like rug changes and tacking up caused significant tension, and his movement became choppy when visiting unfamiliar places.

Chapman began Alpha Delphini on EquiNectar® in December 2023, and the changes were notable. "I first noticed a change in the amount of hay he ate, he was finishing his hay bar and also licking his feed bowls clean! Huge breakthrough," Chapman recalls. The improvement extended beyond nutrition - he maintained good condition through winter without excessive hard feed, and his overall demeanor transformed. "Over the spring and summer he became more relaxed to tack up and ride, his movement improved as he relaxed and used his body with less tension. We now can visit new arenas and venues and have a calm responsive horse who is relaxed in his work and really enjoying it!"

Another compelling success story comes from Midnight Robbery , an 11-year-old ex-racer gelding who came directly from racing. While blessed with an excellent mindset, he faced his own challenges during the transition to Western disciplines. In October, he began showing concerning symptoms - becoming loose, oversensitive on his sides, displaying a dull coat, and showing stress in the stables. After ruling out ulcers through scoping, Chapman introduced EquiNectar® to his regime.

The transformation was remarkable. "His loose poo started to change and he returned to normal, his coat started to gain shine again and slowly but surely within a month he had become more settled in his stable, much happier around his sides and more relaxed to ride," Chapman explains. Midnight Robbery's success in the show ring proves his successful transition, earning second place at the WES national show and participating in a Western riding display at the ROR showcase at Aintree, truly pioneering the way for thoroughbreds in Western riding in the UK.

Chapman's expertise extends beyond ex-racehorses, as demonstrated by her work with Chilly, an 8-year-old American Quarter Horse mare. Initially, Chilly struggled with significant behavioral challenges - she was spooky, tense, and occasionally explosive, with notable skin sensitivity that made leg aids particularly challenging. After starting EquiNectar® in spring 2023, the transformation was remarkable. The mare's demeanor shifted dramatically, becoming calmer and more responsive under saddle, while her skin sensitivity resolved completely.

The extent of Chilly's transformation became evident during her summer performances at various county shows and demonstrations. Perhaps most impressively, she performed flawlessly at a steam fair, executing perfect Western riding displays of ranch, trail, and dummy roping while surrounded by noisy steam engines and smoke. "Between displays she relaxed tied near the trailer eating hay," Chapman notes, "no one would have believed she was the same fire breathing unhappy horse from before."

One of Chapman's standout success stories is Dakota Gun , a three-year-old American Paint mare that she bred and trained herself. The young mare's nutrition program was carefully planned to support her development. As Chapman explains: "She started on EquiNectar  in January 2023 after tending to drop a little weight over winter and I wanted her in the best possible health to start her ridden education."

The results were remarkable. "Since starting EquiNectar  I've found her brain has settled and she is relaxed and willing in her work," Chapman notes. This improvement in both physical condition and temperament contributed to Dakota Gun's impressive achievement of Supreme Champion in the paint halter classes at her very first show.

The young mare's show success was particularly notable given the challenges of her first time away from home. Chapman's attention to detail included ensuring proper hydration: "During her first show she finished up her feeds and hay and licked her bowl clean... I popped a little squirt in her water too and she continued to drink well throughout." Despite never having stabled away from home or traveled long distance before, "she remained calm, relaxed and performed beautifully throughout the three days."

Looking to the future, Chapman is enthusiastic about Dakota Gun's potential: "Next season she will be shown under saddle and we are very excited!" This next phase will further demonstrate how proper nutrition supports training success.

Chapman's role as a Western Instructor and Horse Trainer has given her extensive experience in transitioning horses between disciplines. Her comprehensive approach to horse care, combining expert training with carefully planned nutrition, has established her as a valuable resource in the equestrian community.

As Western riding continues to gain popularity internationally, professionals like Emma Chapman demonstrate how combining traditional training methods with proper nutritional approaches can help horses reach their full potential. Her success stories showcase how proper nutrition plays a crucial role in achieving excellence across all equestrian disciplines.